Saturday 16 April 2016

What I've Been Up To

Hello! So much has happened in the past few weeks that I don't know what to write about. By "so much" I mean more than going to school everyday, so don't get your hopes up.
So, I had my Easter holiday which lasted two weeks and that was really good. I tried lots of things for the first time including eating vegetarian meatballs and playing card games with my family in which we betted with minstrels.
I went to Bude in north Cornwall (south-west England) for a week. We stayed in a static caravan which proved itself to be a lot nicer than camping in a tent because we could get in from a long walk and watch TV with the heating on.

Here's me and my cousin, Amaya, loving life.

Poppy enjoyed roasting by the gas heater with her tennis ball we found on the beach (:

Basically, we spent our holiday walking, eating and exploring. It was the perfect break from school and everyday we did something new which would be fun but at the same time it would tire us out so we slept well at night.

Some of my highlights were:

We got takeaway from the takeaway place at the campsite. My pizza was delicious!

We played long jump on the beach. I won.

I had a veggie burger for the first time and I wasn't disappointed. If you've never had one before, I recommend trying a veggie burger even if you're not trying to be vegetarian (I'm not). It was just nice to try it when I'm so used to eating meat.

Of course there would be no point in going to Cornwall if we didn't have lots of cream teas, Cornish pasties and Cornish ice cream. I had some eton mess flavour ice cream which was heaven.

My amateur photography didn't capture the beauty of this pasty, but trust me when I say it's worth going back to Cornwall for.

We spent some time in the lovely village of Boscastle and I really love it there because everything is so picturesque and cute and everyone is so friendly. At this time of year it wasn't too busy either.

Everyday we walked around a different part of Cornwall, and I got all of their names mixed up so I can't tell you where they are, but I took some pretty photos anyway!

I hope you had a good Easter!