Tuesday 23 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 15

Today I want you to:
To be honest, being healthy is exhausting. The easiest thing to do is always to just not do the workout, eat the extra chocolate bar, drive instead of walk, but every time, we made the choice to do the difficult (but best) option. All of those times we had water instead of coke and went for a run when it was raining, we resisted temptation and used our will power to reach our potential, but it was damn tiring.
After all of the hard work, have a break. Make yourself a hot chocolate with marshmallows, have a hot bath, use a face mask, do something nice that will just give you a bit of rest.
Never forget that you're trying to be healthier because you think it will make you happier, so every now and then, don't forget to do something that makes you happy, even if it won't make you any healthier (although it will make you mentally healthier because it will reduce your stress).
Just chill. Stop worrying. Take a break. Come back better than ever feeling motivated and ready to be a better person who is more physically and mentally healthy than they've ever been.

This photo is from when I went to Portugal and after dinner we went to sit on a cliff and watch the sunset. I felt so relaxed with zero stress at that moment, and I still remember it as being really special. You might not have a sunset over the sea in Portugal, but I bet you can make a damn good hot chocolate!

Monday 22 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 14

Today I want you to:
Go for a walk!
You'd be surprised how good this will make you feel. Having a dog, I have motivation everyday to go for a walk because if I don't Poppy (my dog) will go crazy.
I get into a routine where I get home from school, have my lunch and quickly get some homework done. After that, I take Poppy out for a 20 minute walk across the fields, and by the end of it, school and homework feel like days ago. It makes me feel really relaxed and all of the stresses from the day are miles away.
Not only is it relaxing, it's physically good because it is exercise and gives you some fresh air. I find that when I get back I feel refreshed and not stressed at all so I can just relax for the evening. It's lovely.
Your walk could be 5 minutes to the coffee shop or an all day hike up a mountain. I live in the middle of nowhere in the countryside so my options for walking are always wet and muddy, but quiet and peaceful too. When I go a walk, it's just me and my dog and I have 20 minutes to just clear my mind and think for a bit.
I'm assuming you've gone for a walk before, but just for fun, go for another one today, you might enjoy it as much as I like walking.
Does anyone else find it really cute when dogs try and carry a stick that's bigger than them?

Sunday 21 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 13

Today I want you to:
Make a new meal you've never made before!
There have been a few food related habits to try so far, so I don't know if there's much for me to explain that I haven't mentioned before.
This new meal could be a new pancake recipe to a ratatouille good enough for the Queen, I don't mind, as long as you've never made it before.
Hopefully you'll be a bit of a better cook after doing this challenge, and hopefully you'll have discovered some new ingredients/foods that you like.
Remember that it's meant to be fun, so go ahead and get someone to cook the meal with you. Whether it's a disaster or your new favourite recipe, it should be fun to try!
If you can't think of anything to make, there are hundreds of blogs on the internet that just make recipes and meal ideas for you to try so have a look.
Personally, I love the look of this soup so that's what I'll be making!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 12

Today I want you to:
Try intense cardio!
This means you need to get a sweat on...
Intense cardio is things like:
HIIT (high intensity interval training)
Anything that makes your heart beat fast and a drip come down your forehead
Cardio will help you lose weight (because it burns a hell of a lot of calories) but also if you do endurance training like long distance running, it will make your heart stronger.
This means that your resting heart rate will become lower because your heart can pump more blood with less beats because it's so strong. I used to do a lot of cross country and my resting heart rate was 43 beats per minute, but I stopped cross country races a while ago so it's probably risen quite a lot.
Not only is cardio is good for your health, I find it fun! You work really hard but the endorphins afterwards are great. When you have your second portion of pudding, you feel like you've earned it.
You could make your own cardio workout by doing some of these exercises (or others):
Jump Lunges
Skipping  Rope
Jumping Jacks
Skater Hops
Mountain Climbers (fast)
High knees
If you don't want to do that, there are plenty of workouts on youtube, pinterest or anywhere on the internet if you search "cardio workout"
Good luck! If you are in the middle of the workout and you're finding it hard, remember that the harder you work, the better it will feel afterwards (:
Sorry, this is the least blurry photo we had. Thanks Juliette for skipping rope so photogenically!

Friday 19 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 11

Today I want you to:
Be a vegetarian for the day!
If you're already a vegetarian or vegan, lucky you! This one should be easy.
Otherwise, this is something that won't necessarily make you healthier, but it will just give you a chance to cook without meat and use other substitutes instead.
Everyone is different- some people might really benefit from being a vegetarian, other people might not, but it's worth a try.
Some studies show that vegetarianism can reduce risk of cancer and other diseases, but on the other hand, there are millions of people who are perfectly healthy who eat meat.
Being a vegetarian for the day will encourage you to use some different recipes and ingredients.
I mentioned them before, but Food 52 have loads of delicious looking recipes including plenty for vegetarians.
You might find it fun to be a vegetarian, and who knows, you might convert to be one!
Good luck!
A picture of a vegetarian quinoa salad from the Food 52 blog

Thursday 18 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 10

Today I want you to:
Keep off your phone 30 minutes before going to bed!
You might know this already, but the blue light from phone/laptop/TV/any screen is like sunlight which releases a chemical in your brain to tell your body to wake up, or something like that.
Basically, light from screens will give you worse quality sleep if you use them late at night just before you go to bed.
In a previous post I explained how sleep is important and how getting enough sleep is really good for you, but it's about quantity AND quality, so it's a good idea to try and stay off screens for a while before you go to sleep.
Instead of scrolling through Instagram and texting your friends or whatever you normally do, you could try reading, writing or just relaxing in the bath.
You might notice you feel more well rested in the morning because you got a better nights sleep or you might not notice a difference because you do this anyway, just try it and see what happens. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 9

Today I want you to:
Write down everything you eat!
I've never tried this before, but I know that it will make you more aware of what you put in your body, and you'll think twice about whether you want to eat it or not.
This will help you eat more healthily because, even if you don't show it to anyone, that page with everything you wrote on it is proof that you ate healthily/unhealthily. I feel like we get into the mind-set that if we eat something unhealthy, it doesn't really matter- it's just one thing and we can move on. If we write down everything we eat, we will know exactly how much healthy/unhealthy food we eat, so we might think a bit more about eating something unhealthy because we can't just move on- we will write it down and read it later.
Sometimes we mindlessly snack, but knowing if you eat something you have to write it down might make you think that it's not worth the effort.
You might find this really tedious and boring, while some of you might find it helpful, but I want you to try it anyway and see if it's useful.
Thank you Kale for the photo!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 8

Today I want you to:
Try yoga!
This is something I've never tried but want to because I know that there are great health benefits like it improves flexibility, improves strength, improves posture, betters your bone health, makes you happier and helps you focus. Those are just a few!
If, like me you don't really know any yoga poses or how to do it, Yoga With Adriene is a really good youtube channel with loads of different yoga videos to try for any ability, plus Adriene is a really nice person!
Personally, I think yoga seems boring, but Ella Denton inspires me to give it a go because her view of life is so refreshing and simple, and if I can do something to be more like her (she does a lot of yoga), it's worth a try.
A good thing about yoga is you don't need any equipment (except for a mat if you want, but it's not essential if you have soft carpets) so there are NO EXCUSES, go for it!

Neither of us had done yoga before but this pose looked very yoga-y. Who did it best?

Monday 15 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 7

Today I want you to:
Drink a glass of water before every meal!

Not only will this keep you hydrated but it will also stop you from mistaking thirst for hunger (because you can't be thirsty if you've just drunk loads of water) which can prevent you eating loads of food because you think you're hungry and then feeling really bloated and full afterwards.

If losing weight is your goal, this would be a great thing to try because it will make you feel less hungry and control your appetite so you won't have to resist eating too much- you just won't want any more food.

Even if losing weight isn't your goal, staying hydrated should be so drinking a glass of water will just make sure you always have enough water and don't get dehydrated.

This is just a little habit to have a go at, but if you're happy with your weight and are normally hydrated, there might not be many benefits of drinking any extra water, either way, I recommend you give it a go anyway.

Thank you Kale for the photo!

Sunday 14 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 6

Today I want you to:
Try strength training!
Now, before you completely refuse, can I just clarify that this doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift weights next to a sweaty man three times your size.
Strength training can be done anywhere, from the gym to your sofa.
Some exercises using no equipment include:
Push ups
Triceps dips
Sit ups
There are hundreds of different exercises and variations using no equipment, but you can also use weights for all sorts of different exercises to work different body parts.
You might think that to lose weight you have to do cardio, but strength training plays a big part in helping you lose weight too. This is because muscle tissue burns calories more quickly than fatty tissue, so the more muscle you have, the more quickly you burn calories.
I personally really enjoy strength training, especially when I'm working my abs. It's a great thing to try and if you enjoy it, it can become part of your routine.
If you are unsure of how to do it, there are so many youtube videos that will give you a ready made workout that you just have to follow along to, so you don't have to be a professional to get involved!
Tip: if you don't have any weights but want some, you can use household items like water bottles, bottles full of sand, anything you can find. You could even use your dog like I did!

Saturday 13 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 5

Today I want you to:
Get at least 8 hours of sleep!
It's kind of obvious that this includes either doing what you always do (if you always get 8 hours of sleep), waking up later or going to bed earlier.
I know for a lot of people it's a lot easier said than done because it's much easier to stay up, but when you do finally make yourself turn your light off that bit earlier, you can't get to sleep for another hour. It's so frustrating.
Whether you find it easy or not, I want you to at least make it so it's possible for you to get 8 hours of sleep, so if you have an alarm set for 7 am, start trying to get to sleep at 10:40 or earlier, that way you have 20 minutes to get to sleep.
Sleep is so important for your health because basically, as you may have guessed, it's your body recharging. Lack of sleep can cause depression and can make you gain weight because the energy you don't get from sleeping you have to get from eating instead.
Besides banishing under eye circles and putting you in a better mood, getting enough sleep improves your memory, keeps your heart healthy, reduces stress (I think we could all use a bit of that), makes you more alert and improves your immunity so you're less likely to catch bugs and viruses.
Hopefully all of you can do this, good luck anyway!

Friday 12 February 2016

Healty Habits Challenge: Day 4

Today I want you to:
Make all of your meals from scratch for the day!
This means that you don't buy any ready meals or eat anything that you don't know what's in it.
This is good for your health because processed foods are a massive cause for people to be overweight because there is so much hidden sugar and preservatives and other nasty things in them, so by making your own meals, you are avoiding this completely.
As well as this, cooking can be fun! You can choose exactly what you eat and how it's made, and how much of it there is. It will also help you become a better cook if you practise.
Some of you might do this already, but if you don't just give it a try for one day.
Good luck!

I tried this, and on second thought, I realised that bran flakes aren't really made from scratch by me- all I do is pour a bit of milk on them. Either way, I ate them and they were delicious.

A different breakfast which I love to make (and is definitely from scratch) is a smoothie because they taste so delicious and sweet, don't take long to make and are healthy (but not healthy for your teeth so make sure you have some water afterwards!).

A smoothie that I make a lot contains a banana, some frozen raspberries and other berries like blackberries and blueberries and milk. It's so quick and easy so I recommend you try it.

I think I'll do a post full of some smoothie recipe ideas because I can think of so much that I want to write about...

Luckily for me, my school finishes at 2:20 so I get home by 3. Normally I'd make a salad or sandwich and eat at school but yesterday I tried eating lunch when I got home so I could make an exciting (this is exciting for me) lunch.

It was a quick omelette containing broccoli, tomato and a cheeky bit of grated cheese. I think I'll make a post about lunch recipes and ideas because I love reading them and seeing what other people have for lunch (even though for me it is sometimes just lettuce with tuna which isn't very interesting).

If you're short of ideas of what to make for dinner, go an look at the recipes on Food 52, they look delicious, different and not too difficult! I'll definitely be having a go at lots of their recipes.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 3

Today I want you to:
Do a youtube workout!
No matter what your age, gender or goal is, there will be a workout on youtube that will be great for you. They don't require much space but can really be effective and difficult.
It could only take 3 minutes if you want, or you could go for it and try an hour long workout, either way, I want you to try it and if you don't like it, that's fine, but if you're anything like me, these workouts are the perfect thing for when it's too cold to go running.
Personally, I love Blogilates, Rebecca-Louise Fitness, Popsugar Fitness and Carly Rowena. When I wake up in the morning I like to do a quick 3 minute workout which is intense but over in no time.
Some other good fitness channels are Fitness Blender, BeFit and Tone it Up.
Give it a go, good luck!
This is Cassey from Blogilates, she's so happy that it's impossible to not enjoy the workout!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 2

Today I want you to:
Meditate for 5 minutes (or longer)!
I have never managed to meditate for more than 2 minutes because I get bored, but I have a feeling that if I stick with it (I'm not sure if 5 minutes is long enough, though), I will feel really relaxed and calm.
Meditation is good for you because it reduces stress and it is suggested to improve immunity and make you more likely to avoid arthritis, joint pain and high blood pressure.
5 minutes just to try meditation is just a way for us to have a go, and if we enjoy it or feel better because of it, we can carry on.
You could meditate when you wake up, before you go to bed or any time in between, just make sure you do because it could be something you really love. Surely 5 minutes of sitting still and relaxing isn't too much to ask?
Have fun! 
Thanks Juliette for posing!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 1

Today, I want you to...
Drink a glass of water in the morning!
This could be as soon as you wake up (probably ideal), with breakfast or any time in the morning, as long as it's before lunch.
If you don't like the taste of water, you can always add lemon juice or frozen berries, or you could just chug it as quickly as possible.
This is something that almost everyone should be able to do, don't let me down!
Drinking water in the morning is good for you because it helps you feel more awake and refreshed and of course, it keeps you hydrated. After not drinking for the whole night, your body will thank you for being hydrated again. Let's not forget that it gets your metabolism going which can help you burn calories faster.
You have nothing to lose, just drink a glass of water when you wake up and see if anything happens. You might feel more refreshed or find it easier to get up out of bed. Who knows!
Thank you Kale for the photo!


Monday 8 February 2016

15 days to a Healthier Lifestyle

We all want to be a bit more healthy, but we all find it very difficult to sustain, and we all wish it could be a bit easier. Maybe not everyone, but definitely me and a lot of people do.
To motivate myself and hopefully some of you, I have made a plan for healthy habits to try where you have a different one everyday. It's something a bit different but I think it will be easier than it seems because it is only a little change that you're making everyday and because everyday there is something new to try, it won't get boring or repetitive.
The aim really is to just help you and I have a go at trying little habits that will be good for us in the long term ( that's if we carry on doing them ) and hopefully we will find some of them really convenient, easy or fun so we will keep doing them.
So, my idea is that I will post on this blog and my Instagram everyday the healthy habit/thing that you need to try. Some of these will be exercise, some will be diet and some of them will just be to think a bit more and be aware. Sleep will also be included because sleep is so important to be a healthy, happy person.

I have come up with 15 ideas, so that's 15 days of trying new things. I'm getting excited!

Of course, everyone is different, some people might not be able to try everything in the challenge, for example I wouldn't expect someone in a wheelchair to go for a walk ( oh, a sneak peak at some of the habits in the challenge ;) but just do what you can and you will benefit anyway.

Please remember that the purpose of this is to help us to try new things that will make us healthier and that we enjoy that we hadn't discovered/given a go yet. Completing everyday of this challenge won't make you suddenly healthier, but it will make you more likely to be able to be more healthy because you'll know some more things that you can do.

You might notice that in the challenge a lot of the days are related to mental health and that's because I think that mental health is just as important as physical health ( if you aren't happy, what's the point in being healthy if you won't be happy about it anyway? ). Sometimes I think we just get caught up in our routine and end up going through the motions without stopping to think about how we feel about it all. Relaxation and reflection is something that your body needs as much as your mind, so that's why my challenge isn't just about physical health!

I'm really looking forward to trying this challenge (: it starts tomorrow... good luck! 

Friday 5 February 2016

New Years Resolutions...

Hi again, today's post is about New Years Resolutions and how they are made at the wrong time completely.
Especially if your resolution is related to doing more exercise, I think January is such a bad time of year to decide to this. When you are at the beginning of winter ( in Australia it might be different, I don't know )  and it's about to be a long month full of rain and coldness and hot chocolates, running every few days isn't going to be as easy as it would be in April when you might actually see the sun and not have goose bumps from the cold 24/7 ( can you tell I don't like winter?).
My point is, it's completely fine to not be able to stick to your resolution in the winter because this is literally the most difficult time of year to motivate yourself. If the gym is always packed, you won't be as tempted to pop in for a workout, so wait a few months, and try again then.
Please don't think that because you couldn't do it in January that you can't do it at all. You could use lent as a time to become a better person instead  waiting for next January to come around.
If you have stuck to your New Years Resolution, well done, you've done something that most people can't! If you haven't, remember that every day is a new start so keep trying and one day, things might change for the better.
Whether you have resolutions or not, I hope you're well and you enjoyed this little post (: