Monday 29 August 2016

What I wish I'd known when I set up my blog

I'm far from an expert on websites and ICT and whatever (despite taking GCSE IT) but now that I've set up my blog, I know some things that I wish I'd known when I was setting it up because I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out really basic things that might seem obvious to other people.
Firstly, you need to choose a platform for your website. I knew this before, but what it took me a while to figure out is that not all platforms can connect to bloglovin'. I wanted to create a website for free and was great for designing the whole thing from scratch and making it look great, however you can't connect a blog on Wix to bloglovin'. I would recommend Wix to anyone who wants to create a blog or website who wants to really personalise it (and you can buy custom domains too) but doesn't mind if the blog can't connect to bloglovin'.
I used to have a blog on Wordpress which was a good platform and I could connect it to bloglovin', but after a while I wanted to change my username and domain on it which proved to be very complicated.
At the moment I'm using Blogger which is very suitable for me because it can connect to bloglovin' and was simple to set up. Unfortunately I can't design my website like I could on Wix, but if I really want to make my blog look nicer I can pay for a template. Also, the Blogger app doesn't work for me so I have to blog on a computer, not a mobile device. I really like the stats and how easy it is to look at and edit my blog.
I hope this advice helped you, it's basic things that are good to make clear.

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