Saturday 19 March 2016

My Spring Bucket List

With all of Spring to look forward to, I thought I'd make a list of things I'd like to do in the next few months and maybe you'll copy a few of my ideas (;
Most of these things I've done before but wouldn't hesitate to do again, and a lot of the things on the list will be ways to make the most of it being warm again (but we are in England, so warm weather might not be guaranteed).
Anyway, here's my list-
Buy my summer wardrobe
I love buying new clothes, and summer clothes are my favourite because it's all so cheap and easy. I have already bought some new sunglasses and tops which I know won't be worn for a few months, but I'm so excited for summer and I just want it to come sooner!
Celebrate Easter
I do this every year, I love it every year, I'm doing it again this year. Chocolate, spring and new life are definitely worth celebrating.
Go on a nice walk
I think I've written before about how much I love going for walks because of how relaxed it makes me feel, so obviously in spring I would like to go for many walks. My family are walking the South Downs Way in stretches of about 13 miles and we are doing our next stretch very soon which I'm excited for. Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my walk with Emily, Kale and the dogs.

Bake something really seasonal and spring-y
 Thanks to our collection of Mary Berry cook books, I don't think I'll struggle to find a recipe. I'm thinking I might make some Easter biscuits with lots of herbs in...
Take some pretty photos of flowers
This should be easy, there are flowers everywhere in spring! It was a nice surprise to see some snowdrops on the side of the road when I was running. There's a walk (wow, I talk about walking a lot) that my family call "The Bluebell Walk" because it goes through a forest and at a certain time of year, there are bluebells everywhere and it's stunning.
Go to France again
I have some weird obsession with France, I just love everything about it, but luckily for me, I'm doing an exchange with a girl who lives near Paris so I'm very excited for that!
Blog a lot
As much as I'm awful at coming up with ideas and putting them into words, I love blogging and I'm planning on continuing my blog all through Spring and long after that too (:
Thanks for reading, and have a good Spring (or whatever season it is where you are)!

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