Thursday 18 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 10

Today I want you to:
Keep off your phone 30 minutes before going to bed!
You might know this already, but the blue light from phone/laptop/TV/any screen is like sunlight which releases a chemical in your brain to tell your body to wake up, or something like that.
Basically, light from screens will give you worse quality sleep if you use them late at night just before you go to bed.
In a previous post I explained how sleep is important and how getting enough sleep is really good for you, but it's about quantity AND quality, so it's a good idea to try and stay off screens for a while before you go to sleep.
Instead of scrolling through Instagram and texting your friends or whatever you normally do, you could try reading, writing or just relaxing in the bath.
You might notice you feel more well rested in the morning because you got a better nights sleep or you might not notice a difference because you do this anyway, just try it and see what happens. 

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