Tuesday 23 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 15

Today I want you to:
To be honest, being healthy is exhausting. The easiest thing to do is always to just not do the workout, eat the extra chocolate bar, drive instead of walk, but every time, we made the choice to do the difficult (but best) option. All of those times we had water instead of coke and went for a run when it was raining, we resisted temptation and used our will power to reach our potential, but it was damn tiring.
After all of the hard work, have a break. Make yourself a hot chocolate with marshmallows, have a hot bath, use a face mask, do something nice that will just give you a bit of rest.
Never forget that you're trying to be healthier because you think it will make you happier, so every now and then, don't forget to do something that makes you happy, even if it won't make you any healthier (although it will make you mentally healthier because it will reduce your stress).
Just chill. Stop worrying. Take a break. Come back better than ever feeling motivated and ready to be a better person who is more physically and mentally healthy than they've ever been.

This photo is from when I went to Portugal and after dinner we went to sit on a cliff and watch the sunset. I felt so relaxed with zero stress at that moment, and I still remember it as being really special. You might not have a sunset over the sea in Portugal, but I bet you can make a damn good hot chocolate!

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