Friday 5 February 2016

New Years Resolutions...

Hi again, today's post is about New Years Resolutions and how they are made at the wrong time completely.
Especially if your resolution is related to doing more exercise, I think January is such a bad time of year to decide to this. When you are at the beginning of winter ( in Australia it might be different, I don't know )  and it's about to be a long month full of rain and coldness and hot chocolates, running every few days isn't going to be as easy as it would be in April when you might actually see the sun and not have goose bumps from the cold 24/7 ( can you tell I don't like winter?).
My point is, it's completely fine to not be able to stick to your resolution in the winter because this is literally the most difficult time of year to motivate yourself. If the gym is always packed, you won't be as tempted to pop in for a workout, so wait a few months, and try again then.
Please don't think that because you couldn't do it in January that you can't do it at all. You could use lent as a time to become a better person instead  waiting for next January to come around.
If you have stuck to your New Years Resolution, well done, you've done something that most people can't! If you haven't, remember that every day is a new start so keep trying and one day, things might change for the better.
Whether you have resolutions or not, I hope you're well and you enjoyed this little post (: 

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