Monday 15 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 7

Today I want you to:
Drink a glass of water before every meal!

Not only will this keep you hydrated but it will also stop you from mistaking thirst for hunger (because you can't be thirsty if you've just drunk loads of water) which can prevent you eating loads of food because you think you're hungry and then feeling really bloated and full afterwards.

If losing weight is your goal, this would be a great thing to try because it will make you feel less hungry and control your appetite so you won't have to resist eating too much- you just won't want any more food.

Even if losing weight isn't your goal, staying hydrated should be so drinking a glass of water will just make sure you always have enough water and don't get dehydrated.

This is just a little habit to have a go at, but if you're happy with your weight and are normally hydrated, there might not be many benefits of drinking any extra water, either way, I recommend you give it a go anyway.

Thank you Kale for the photo!

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