Wednesday 17 February 2016

Healthy Habits Challenge: Day 9

Today I want you to:
Write down everything you eat!
I've never tried this before, but I know that it will make you more aware of what you put in your body, and you'll think twice about whether you want to eat it or not.
This will help you eat more healthily because, even if you don't show it to anyone, that page with everything you wrote on it is proof that you ate healthily/unhealthily. I feel like we get into the mind-set that if we eat something unhealthy, it doesn't really matter- it's just one thing and we can move on. If we write down everything we eat, we will know exactly how much healthy/unhealthy food we eat, so we might think a bit more about eating something unhealthy because we can't just move on- we will write it down and read it later.
Sometimes we mindlessly snack, but knowing if you eat something you have to write it down might make you think that it's not worth the effort.
You might find this really tedious and boring, while some of you might find it helpful, but I want you to try it anyway and see if it's useful.
Thank you Kale for the photo!

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