Friday 12 February 2016

Healty Habits Challenge: Day 4

Today I want you to:
Make all of your meals from scratch for the day!
This means that you don't buy any ready meals or eat anything that you don't know what's in it.
This is good for your health because processed foods are a massive cause for people to be overweight because there is so much hidden sugar and preservatives and other nasty things in them, so by making your own meals, you are avoiding this completely.
As well as this, cooking can be fun! You can choose exactly what you eat and how it's made, and how much of it there is. It will also help you become a better cook if you practise.
Some of you might do this already, but if you don't just give it a try for one day.
Good luck!

I tried this, and on second thought, I realised that bran flakes aren't really made from scratch by me- all I do is pour a bit of milk on them. Either way, I ate them and they were delicious.

A different breakfast which I love to make (and is definitely from scratch) is a smoothie because they taste so delicious and sweet, don't take long to make and are healthy (but not healthy for your teeth so make sure you have some water afterwards!).

A smoothie that I make a lot contains a banana, some frozen raspberries and other berries like blackberries and blueberries and milk. It's so quick and easy so I recommend you try it.

I think I'll do a post full of some smoothie recipe ideas because I can think of so much that I want to write about...

Luckily for me, my school finishes at 2:20 so I get home by 3. Normally I'd make a salad or sandwich and eat at school but yesterday I tried eating lunch when I got home so I could make an exciting (this is exciting for me) lunch.

It was a quick omelette containing broccoli, tomato and a cheeky bit of grated cheese. I think I'll make a post about lunch recipes and ideas because I love reading them and seeing what other people have for lunch (even though for me it is sometimes just lettuce with tuna which isn't very interesting).

If you're short of ideas of what to make for dinner, go an look at the recipes on Food 52, they look delicious, different and not too difficult! I'll definitely be having a go at lots of their recipes.

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